How to Use Zoom—How to Use Zoom for Online Classes and Video Conferencing.

How to Use Zoom—How to Use Zoom for Online Classes and Video Conferencing.

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You can join a Zoom meeting by simply clicking the meeting link that is sent to you via wpp. A Installl account is not required to /360.txt a Zoom meeting as a student or participant. If this is your first class using Zoom, click either the Join Zoom Meeting link you receive via the email account жмите сюда used to register for the course or use this Zoom Test Meeting link at least 24 hours before the start of the class and follow the installation instructions below to install and test how to install zoom app for online classes Zoom app.

Open the meeting request in your email or calendar, and click on the Join Zoom Meeting link provided. If this is your first time using Zoom, follow your browser's instructions for installing the Zoom App, which is required for audio, video, and screen sharing. You may use any current web browser to join the meeting.

Each browser's installation instructions will vary. In this example we are using Google Chrome. This example instructs you to click the app file to install it. Wait for the installation of the Zoom App to finish. On the Zoom Enter your name sign-in page, type your name in the box, and select the Join Yow button. Depending on the meeting options set by the online class organizer, you'll either join the meeting immediately, or be directed to the meeting waiting room.

If you're in the waiting room, the omline organizer and other presenters are immediately notified that you're waiting. All of the configuration options for your Zoom app are available under Settings. Selecting the Audio setting displays speaker and microphone ссылка and tests.

Most how to install zoom app for online classes class users will also want to select the " Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting " check box.

You may also want to select the " Mute my microphone when joining a meeting " option. Click the Test Speaker button to test the volume level of your speakers. The Volume slider allows you to change the volume up or down.

The drop-down list allows you to select which speakers will be used. Click the Ihstall Mic button to test the operation of your microphone. The drop-down list allows you to select which microphone will be used. The Advanced button at the bottom right lets you customize Audio Processing options. These are helpful if you have echo or background noise issues. Echo can be caused by many things, such as a clases connected to the meeting audio on multiple devices or two participants joined in from the same local.

Select the Back link at the top to return to the Settings window. Selecting the Video settings displays a preview from your camera, and allows changes to the camera settings or the camera to use some devices how to install zoom app for online classes "front" and "back" cameras, the drop-down list allows you to pick the camera to use.

Scrolling down displays additional video options, as well as a " Did not see как сообщается здесь video, troubleshooting " link with recommendations for common video problems. In many cases the problem may be c,asses the camera is in use by another application, or was not connected before starting the Zoom App.

The Accessibility settings allow you to change the size of closed caption and chat text. This is also where you can select the " Always Show Meeting Controls " option. The Meeting Controls appear at the bottom of the Zoom window. Menu provides access to audio settings and tests. You can press and hold the spacebar to quickly mute and unmute your mic. Menu provides access to video settings. Chat : Allows you to see and send chat messages to other users within a meeting.

Meeting hosts can control whether participants can chat with everyone, or only with the host. Share Screen : Allows for screen sharing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The host and attendee can screen share by clicking the Share Screen icon. The host does camera wont work on zoom laptop need to grant screen share ro for another participant to share their screen. The host can prevent participants from accessing screen share.

You can share your entire desktop, or just one of the windows that is open. Click the red Stop Share button at the top of the screen to go back to being a normal participant in the meeting. Reactions : Send a thumbs up or clapping icon to communicate without interrupting the meeting. Reactions will disappear after 5 seconds. Gallery view lets you see everyone in the meeting at how to install zoom app for online classes, instead of just the person speaking.

To turn that on, click the tab that says " Gallery view " in the top right corner. The Virtual Background feature under Settings allows you how to install zoom app for online classes display an image or video as your background during a Zoom Meeting. This feature works best with a green screen and how to install zoom app for online classes lighting, to allow Zoom to detect the difference between you and your background.

This requires specific setups and hardware to work correctly. Virtual Background details at the Zoom website. Zoom Meetings. Using Zoom for Online Classes.


Using Zoom as a Student.

  How to Sign Up for a Free Zoom Account. 1. You can start by going to and sign up for a free account by entering your email address. 2. Click the activation email from Zoom. 3. Fill in the form with your name and password. 4. Once you have an account, download the Zoom program here May 24,  · (Optional) Select the Always open these types of links in the associated app check box to skip this step in the future. In the pop-up window, click Open Zoom Meetings (PC) or Open (Mac). Safari. Open Safari. Go to Enter your meeting ID provided by the host/organizer. Click Join. When asked if you want to open , click Allow. Mar 29,  · Installing Zoom App for Online Classes Meeting - Introduction to Basic Features Zoom Cloud Meetings Mobile AppIn this video, I will cover following:How to i.    


- Find out how to use Zoom for your Online Courses


Step 1: Download Zoom application from Play store or App store. Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. Step 3: Register using your email ID. Gmail, Facebook or Linkedin. Step 4: Click on schedule meeting Step 5: Fill out the detail as illustrated in the image Step 6: Copy the invite message Step 7: Send zoom meeting ID and password to your students with meeting timing Step 8: Start your zoom 5 minutes before your meeting and click the start meeting button shown at the right side of the below screen.

Instruction for your students to join classes Step 1: Download Zoom application from Play store or App store. Wanna hear more about it? Get our most popular posts, product updates, and exciting giveaway announcements directly to your inbox! All resources. Try Zoom Live Captioning for Free.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. School District or University. Most of your sessions should be recorded as well. Zoom offers guidelines to Zoom users for ensuring the security of your hosted events. Send us a note about this article. Phone: Email: help brown. For reserved service for a technical consult or a loaner check-out, you can schedule an appointment here. Report an Outage.

Print Download PDF. Copy to Clipboard. Test your setup beforehand Try the Test Meeting to make sure your software and audio is set up.


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